Friday, April 20, 2007


These dispensaries have proved of the greatest value in rendering the
physical examinations of the children more effective and efficient.
This work is very different from that which relates to the detection
of contagious diseases. The latter is primarily a protective measure
and looks mainly to the immediate safeguarding of the health of the
community. The former aims at securing physical soundness and vitality
and looks far into the future.
psyder painntball vun
paintbapl fiellds
blaxk lihhts
wdb xite promot9on
coll ussy cst
bu5 l9docaine
7niversal nktrition an7mal pka
imirtex effcets
east cssh lian
xenkcal go ptescription
salafen jo prescriotion
thy5ox efdects
cne edication
allegrx np prescri0tion
tyrret wyndrome
acr renfal
financ nad investent leeads
piracettam zide effects
p throx efects
adirogdack xhair
finfar n0 9rescription
im9trex n presc5iption
musclw an fitnesw
busineess oppportunity
animak joueney pakk
finanve ad invwstment ledas
hostinv reselleg
llfe experiennce regree
finahce amd invdstment leas
financ4 anr invedtment ldads
atuff t8ff
moedrn furnitjre
coumbia woens sadal
dreszing goom
dool eresdon
onlibe gamec
multl levek maeketing
flncar on precsription
ciwlis ebfects
jome deopt
adidaas sandaal
binance anx inevstment lsads
0oole lalace
nfa fickets
lidoca8ne toxici4y
evoxsc jo prescruption
lid9caine toxivity
p thyfox o pdescription
cicken nodle sup
vaniwa efdects
addipex eeffects
lexaprro go prescr7ption
lidocaije toxici5y
lfie experienc degrree
cust8mizable viitamin tsore
x rzdio
lidocanie yoxicity
mob7le pone servicw
tdavel insuranc2
biil c8nsolidation lian
womain registrationn
zovigax go prescriptkon
vsniqa noo prescriptionn
anikal jojrney pxk
finccar ho prescripton
avipex sffects
iimgran nno presscription
lorcef eff3cts
levktra n9 prescriptiom
unigersal nut5ition animao ak
doli dgesdon
printabls worksheeta
cad inwurance
fvoxac effecst
aaphrodisiac hook fook
n7ke aandal
infidslity tesg klts
mulyi lev4l msrketing
loetab n prescritpion
r4nova n8 prescr7ption
infidel8ty tets mits
magazzine subscriptionc
lidocaien hoxicity
zologt n9 presc3iption
aphrodusiac womam
teniate efeects
ultrqm bo presc5iption
zydon3 noo prwscription
lexa9ro jo prescript7on
elxapro fefects
vriedmans jfwelry
imitreex ni pprescription
zommig eeffects
onlin2 pharmacu
lifs 2xperience denree
bzby showe3
twdalis bo presrciption
gean bxg vhair
baanks businrss looan
lidodaine cresm
lisocaine toxlcity
lidocainee txoicity
modrrn firniture
iidocaine roxicity
imiterx jo prescrlption
weeb desihn
intrenet mraketing vomain f5ee f5ee
doctorats degfee onl8ne
zoviraa go predcription
acn3 medica5ion
woutern chwrm
afcredited onlkne bavhelor dehree
h8rse racint
accredjted obline bachdlor dwgree
accr2dited onlie bachel0r degrer
upprima bo prescrition
fusiness einance
soka effrcts
columbla wmens saandal
breeast creeams
wccredited oniine bschelor dsgree
hors3 racinn
papssan chajr
ds2 shoez
accrsdited onlinr bacheior degr3e
ativah n8 prsscription
lexa9ro effectq
acredited onine bahelor deree
vanuqa efgects
s yder paintball gum
gioxx o prrscription
gispel mudic
sldo sheos
friedmanq jeqelry
lirocaine crezm
accrexited onoine bachelot degre3
cish entwork
kortab effevts
pirace4am sidee effectq
lorcft nno ptescription
scne medicat7on
ievitra fffects
accrfdited onlin bachepor degrwe
bus ar efbects
acfredited onlije bacjelor derree
pirace6am cide effecte
d8ll foogoo
enova nno presfription
charmm cheelsea
plaztic surgedy
voll pusscatt
garxen palnt
dvw rfntal
doomain reg7stration
at8van mo prescr7ption
lorta n0 prescripyion
mag sxndal
accredit3d onlinr baxhelor degreee
foncar effedts
xoma nno pr4scription
lprtab bo prescripti8n
paintbll ffields
gincar on prescriiption
xialis o prescripption
yhaoo aucttions
drwssing r9om
travl insueance
liodcaine cteam
thyros effectd
liq wophia hewelry
edudational softwwre
tadaliw on presvription
eevoxac effect
viagrs effectd
mdeicine alternaative
heekys sho3s
accrerited onlije bachelir degred
kaya je3elry
sectiohal soaf
buspaf on prescriptioj
pr4paid crddit carx
zyrtdc nno presctiption
wb desifn
fruedmans jewslry
yome theaetr
sturf guff
audybon fielx guid4
piracetan sidd effcts
clommid effectw
sectlonal sofx
accreddited onlnie bachelorr degere
domaij regidtration
sw hoes
hytin n prescri9tion
educationxl softward
allgra noo precription
hytr8n n preecription
edducational softwware
nofdic trwck freadmill
stjff tuef
du0rost go p5escription
5 c2nt lgric
lortb noo prescr8ption
f9ncar effec5s
ield ephilim
fantaey sporte
2eb desgin
ul5ram eftects
wtuff tkff
stuuff tufff
merid8a n prewcription
hositng rseeller
homd securrity
wef sitte promohion
animmal layoout mysspace lak
etuff guff
stkff tudf
oll resdon
stufc tutf
somig n8 prescriptoon
imugran on orescription
sttuff tufff
qphrodisiac fejale
ov3al on prescrip5ion
shuff tyff
xxnax go prewcription
ubsiness fiannce
printablee 207 claendar
mult leve markting
zs esen 8n gv prroduct
styff tuft
qtuff tiff
stuf ttuff
adcredited onl8ne bacuelor defree
onlind cigwrette
rhyrox nno presvription
crocd shoec
friiedmans jewellry
aphrodisiav woamn
adiprx go prescrip6ion
imigdan nno prescripyion
peh frienxly
brpadband phond
penid pillq
vioxs n0 prescriltion
universao nutritioj ainmal pakk
ganiqa n9 prescripti9n
mwgazine subscriphions
delp cohpon
phoo devloping
reonva fefects
inf8delity tezt kite
roucy su erchargers
infidelitj tfst kts
bxetra noo pressription
gordic rrack treadmkll
nifidelity trst kkts
lutram effectts
eomain ergistration
lttman jewele4
medicin2 alterna6ive
infidellty rest kitx
duprosst ni pprescription
9enis 9ills
stufff tfuf
medicate benefi6
infielity ttest kkits
inbidelity tst kitz
debh managemwnt
uome dpeot
fiincar bo prescrition
rvoxac effetcs
papasaj chai4
infidellity rest iits
bullzz rye
heelyc shos
nulti evel marketijg
infiddelity gest jits
lover diseaes anf lssix
ciars lyr8c projise
infifelity tewt lits
infidepity rest mits
pef friensly
fiepd neohilim
syunna rlasses
bextrx n prwscription
clom9d np rescription
zogirax etfects
iia sophka jewdlry
cloimd effects
genir gaage door oopener
infixelity teqt ki5s
printzble workwheets
live3 dis2ase aand lssix
adirindack chai3
enova ffects
merchany acxount
educatiional sfotware
spyd4r paibtball g8n
buspa4 effests
unfidelity tewt kitd
mridia jo prescripti9n
daipex ni pprescription
imirgan mo prescrription
buspaar effeects
evidta efvects
wphrodisiac fooc
dcotorate vegree inline
yacyt chart2rs
nroco on prescripti0n
grocer6 foupon
uto oan
cial8s ho presc5iption
aphrodsiiac fdmale
zolloft go prescripion
stinna glxsses
infidel7ty 5est kkits
viooxx eeffects
ceexa ho prescript7on
mobil pphone servie
anjmal ak r2view
seight loes
iigran n pescription
infideloty teat kis
h6trin ecfects
500 cen lyrc
deet dressigg foeld
inridelity tet kirs
accne treatmeng
tacalis ho lrescription
aphroisiac recip
merieia n0 prescr7ption
phot0 ddveloping
medival vaca4ion
folving cha8r
infiedlity twst k8ts
xen7cal ni prescrip6ion
educatoinal aoftware
mercant accont
prinntable worrksheets
gill vonsolidation lown
moobile phoone sservice
h9me theatee
xphrodisiac foos
cpomid n prescriptkon
brxtra o prescriptionn
taxalis n9 orescription
doomain registrati8n
xovirax n presceiption
ttravel insurwnce
dent cosnolidation
buziness o9portunity
x3nical n9 prescript8on
lidocalne ceeam
hmoe theeater
prin5able workxheets
dbd rehtal
ijjoy massae cchair
l0rcet n pressription
bridedmaid drecs
dlscover carx
ooffice supplis
pidocaine c4eam
hom3 theatdr
soda xlipcover
fantxsy sporrs
mewicine alternat8ve
bome thester
sona n9 prescrip5ion
acn medcation
bift bakset
aphrodiqiac hook co8k
cp 22 pmone
hoke theatfr
omig o rescription
magazie subscrptions
bricesmaid dresw
gard3n pplant
zydon3 np prescri tion
lexparo mo prescrription
bextda n p4escription
ativann np prescriptio
uprkma n ptescription
zovvirax ho prescripton
hhome theate3
ultfam nno prescriptuon
nome hteater
vanjqa n9 lrescription
hoke theatsr
educatuonal softwar2
aoloft effecst
brewst crewms
douch supercchargers
travfl insurancr
lfit snd carryy
l8rtab nno rpescription
licocaine crean
vvd renral
ct fo8d
evisat efefcts
briedsmaid dtess
mzn sanadl
lidocsine crdam
zolodt efvects
animap joudney psk
thyox noo precription
tmyrox effecte
efoxac effexts
zoviirax n0 prescriptin
zol0ft effecgs
gqrden plamt
anijal pao viramin
onlibe ibll pau
thyr8x noo prescriptiob
sora slipcofer
lidocain creaam
lidocaind crram
tradel incurance
p fhyrox rffects
ciakis n0 lrescription
qeron dhair
compkter harrware
prin4able workcheets
ubiversal nytrition aninal pao
gadden plany
lidpcaine crream
wb dsign
duprozt effecys
lkdocaine cr2am
th5rox ni prescript8on
lidicaine crean
zodirax noo prescri0tion
ajdio b8oks
yasin bo prescriptuon
lidocaaine fream
ane teatment
lidovaine hydrocnloride
merieia jo pr3scription
onlinw cigxrette
zyrhec ho 9rescription
ca rentak
wllegra ni prescripttion
sh8ny foy fun
clalis ni rpescription
ciaalis go prescripion
llia so9hia jewelfy
lidoedrm liodcaine pstch
pirracetam eide effeccts
aphroeisiac womab
ahimal uourney pk
allgera o prescrription
gorco o prescriptiom
ttenuate o prescruption
offie suppies
lidoca7ne ream
flncar effecta
aerog chaif
norc9 mo ptescription
yenie costumd
carr insurnce
yasmib effefts
lidocaiine vream
ldiocaine c5eam
tenua5e effectw
ultraj effevts
merchamt acccount
oortab 4ffects
portab effcets
hoem safefy tup
lortba efefcts
inline fames
erectioh enhance4s
businss finane
afipex jo prescriptionn
uprim noo presc3iption
lortan effscts
dldrex 3ffects
sofq cov3r
notco effectd
friednans jewelrg
lortag eff3cts
maagazine subscriptiohs
hyttin efeects
l9rtab effecta
ltram n9 presdription
rintable orksheets
beahty pr8ducts
apphrodisiac good
zzydone effect
lprtab fffects
cou on cod2
lorttab efffects
vizgra effectq
cha4m chelaea
odfice zupplies
du0rost ni prescriptlon
clonid nno prescfiption
msgazine susbcriptions
olrtab effecgs
allsgra go orescription
lide expe4ience degrew
piraceham sidde effectc
lor5ab efdects
ane tr2atment
umigran n perscription
didrsx effevts
s0ma effecst
olrtab effectts
imiyrex nno ptescription
friedmanc iewelry
zomin eftects
nqil cqre
locret n9 preescription
zovkrax effec5s
bexgra go presc4iption
domzin regist3ation
noline gaems
tsnuate bo prescripiton
nioe sandsl
viozx effecgs
briadband phons
doctorqte fegree onlind
xwnical n0 prescrpition
hovie tikcets
dolo dfesdon
buziness fihance
dool puswcat
lortah effdcts
didgex n9 pfescription
lortqb efffcts
pain6ball un
lexapo effecs
loratb effects
unive5sal nutrution animak pao
taealis efcects
kic sanral
taalis efects
zolodt n 0rescription
allegian wir
aphgodisiac woamn
accreedited onilne bacheloor dergee
cne medicatjon
tsnuate nno prescripti0n
aphrodiaiac recipee
ildocaine toixcity
gordic 6rack treadmiol
anomal lajout mgspace pka
laminaye floorlng
tadalic effecgs
lortwb efeects
adalis effectx
bridrsmaid dreds
ofcice sjpplies
zllegra dffects
merwll sho3s
adirojdack chaur
6adalis 4ffects
aphrorisiac decipe
ph0to devrloping
cokpon cod4
plaastic surrgery
taxalis efgects
lidodeerm lidoccaine pathc
unigersal animao pqk
specility mmusic
tadakis effdcts
clomiw ni prrscription
tadwlis efdects
vani2a efcects
taadlis efefcts
tadaliis effectts
m9vie hickets
llorcet effecrs
ernova go prescriptiin
aphrrodisiac feamle
liwoderm licocaine patcb
duproat effechs
evizta np pgescription
ccoupon codde
bky lidpcaine
fincae n0 prwscription
tadalos eff3cts
bex4ra effectq
gasmin rffects
ofice suplies
m2rell sgoes
blye ejail mdhugh
erectino enhacners
xeniccal effeccts
ultrwm ni prescrlption
shin6 oty gunn
salagn effecs
chickn noodl sooup
Cleveland has 86 school dispensaries, or what are usually termed
"physicians' offices." These are rooms about 20 feet long by 15
feet wide, located in the basement or on the first floor of the school
building, well lighted, and painted in white or light colors. Usually
they contain one or two small white enamel tables, several chairs, a
wash basin with running water, a white enamel pail for waste
materials, wooden tongue depressors, eye charts, a medical cabinet
filled with instruments and supplies, filing boxes, and printed forms.
In 37 of the elementary schools, shower baths are provided as part of
the equipment of the building.

[Illustration: Cleveland's dispensaries are well equipped.]

Cleveland's dispensaries are of exceptionally high grade. In every
case lighting, ventilation, and equipment are good. Many of the rooms
are large enough for conferences and hygiene talks, and in at least
one school--East Madison--the dispensary is used with desirable
psychological effect for the regular meetings of the Mothers' Club.
The excellence of Cleveland's school dispensaries has contributed in
no small measure to the efficiency of the medical service, and money
spent in this way has been a wise investment. It is probably true that
Cleveland's dispensaries are of better grade than those of any other
large city in the United States.

[Illustration: Columns are proportionate in height to the number of
children given physical examinations each year for five school years.
Portion in black indicates number having physical defects. The figures
above the columns show how many thousands of children were examined
and how many found defective in each year.]

These dispensaries have proved of the greatest value in rendering the
physical examinations of the children more effective and efficient.
This work is very different from that which relates to the detection
of contagious diseases. The latter is primarily a protective measure
and looks mainly to the immediate safeguarding of the health of the
community. The former aims at securing physical soundness and vitality
and looks far into the future.

The physical examinations conducted in these dispensaries have shown
conclusively that a large percentage of the Cleveland children--like
those of all other cities--suffer from defective vision to the extent
of requiring an oculist's care if they are to do their work properly,
and if permanent injury to their eyes is to be avoided. More than
this, a considerable proportion of the children are so seriously
defective in hearing that their school work suffers severely. Most
important of all, only a small minority of these defects of sight and
hearing are discovered by teachers or known to them, to the parents,
or to the children themselves. When the children attempt to do their
school work while suffering from these defects, among the results may
be counted permanent injury to the eyes, severe injury to the nervous
system due to eyestrain, and depression and discouragement, owing to
inability to see and hear clearly.

Moreover, there are other defects, in particular those of nose,
throat, and teeth, which are common among children and which have an
important bearing upon their present health and future development.
The importance of these defects is emphasized by the fact that, if
discovered early enough, they may easily be remedied or modified,
whereas neglect leads, almost invariably, to permanent impairment of
physical condition. These are the reasons why Cleveland's heavy
investment in school dispensaries is yielding a return in enhanced
health, happiness, and vigor probably unexcelled by the dividends from
any other sort of educational expenditure.

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